As the world gets increasingly connected by the passing day, one of the major innovations we will all be grateful for is the advent of social media. It has brought fun to the internet, beyond just doing business and surfing web pages. Social media gives everyone the opportunity to be a member of a truly global village; one that is highly connected.
Beyond the fun that social media brings and the feeling of togetherness it fosters, you can use the giant network of different individuals to recruit. How can you maximize the social media for recruitment then?
1. Know your options: This is in two distinct categories: First, you must know the correct social media platform that works for what. You cannot post job vacancies on all social media handles that belong to your business. You might be unable to handle the feedback. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are more preferred in posting job vacancy. This is because of the huge number of users on Facebook’s part and the specialization in recruitment on the part of LinkedIn. The second part of knowing your options lies in joining the right conversations. Talk is everything, so you must be smart about where your job vacancy is seen.
2. Promote your culture: Recruitment via social media goes beyond posting job vacancies alone. You must curate content that shows that your company is a great place to do business. This culture travels even faster than the job vacancy you have posted and will play an important role in ensuring that your recruitment is not only successful but also hitch free. Your culture as a company will precede your job vacancy posting.
3. Take advantage of niche: With three billion people on various social media networking sites, you might want to puke. The sheer number is enough to have your head spinning, here is the reality. Not everyone on that social media site needs to see your job vacancy post. In fact, just a handful need to see it. That is why you must take advantage of niches and groups. This is where professionals in your field are gathered and a job vacancy post there can get an instant hit. Much more than that, it can get a talented prospect sending in their resume the next day. That is what niche can do for you instead of pointless job vacancy posting.
4. Involve every employee: If you really have the fantastic corporate culture you showcase, this shouldn’t be difficult. It is best to involve every employee of your company in posting the job vacancy link that you put up. This increases your visibility, creating a ripple effect that can only be achieved via social media and help your recruitment get through quickly.
5. Use filters during a search: Social media platforms like LinkedIn allow you to search for job seekers in your industry. If you intend to pursue this option, ensure that you use a filter. This will enable you to get your prospect efficiently.
Social media hiring can be a whole lot of fun. You can even get your result in a remarkable short amount of time